Qigong practice dates back thousands of years to ancient China. (Hatha)yoga focusses on flexibility. Qigong builds power and muscular ease. The word “qi” (or “chi”) means “life force”; Qigong is specifically designed to cultivate this energy, using it to heal and strengthen every system throughout the body.
Qigong's gentle, rhythmic exercises mirror the movements and character of nature -the fluidity of water, the fresh lightness of air and the true, deep support of the earth. Qigong is uniquely suited to heighten proprioceptive awareness, intentional focus and alertness, and to relieve stress, boost the immune, respiratory and cardiovascular systems, and increase the body’s innate healing abilities.
This workout combines the power of Qigong with mindful movement, body-based meditation, and simple self-healing practices. Practices can be done standing or sitting. Each class draws from the Elements menu below.
This Qigong Workout is a great choice for most anyone looking to increase overall fitness, energy and presence and find more joy in life.
See Exercise Menu HERE
A sustainable somatic meditation practice needs to initiate four elements to launch well: relaxation, postural alignments, grounding, and breathing/feeling through the body.
This intensive one-day program via Zoom will equip you with fundamentals of several somatic meditation practices - sitting, standing or lying down - that emphasize these vital functions.
Of course you’ll learn much more later over time, but it’s so important to start right by building a strong foundation.
Start/Renew Your Meditation Practice in One-Day
Saturday October 28, 2023
10-4 pm ET
Workshop via Zoom
Investment: $90
To Register or for more Information: 705-445-2613 or jrsoma27[at]gmail.com