Custom health and healing services:
* Somatic Meditation for stress management, performance and personal growth.
* Tai Chi and Qigong (Chikung) Instruction - personal, group, and teacher trainings.
* Qigong and Other Energy Healing Support: NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programing), Meridian Energy Therapy and BodySpace Attention Training for stress, anxiety, depression, neurological disorders.
* Subtle Body Massage for radiant wellness.
* Nordic Chi Walking / Hiking / Snowshoeing clinics & classes for fitness and health (special fees)
Personal Session Fees:
I am a movement and meditation coach and teacher and not a licensed health professional or psychotherapist. My services and programs are intended to educate, inform, and inspire you on your personal journey towards optimal health and performance. I do not diagnose either the presence or absence of any physical or mental "disorder". If you desire such a diagnosis, please consult a licensed physician or mental health professional. I do not make recommendations or advise clients regarding any medication prescribed by a physician or therapist. Always consult your doctor before changing any prescription medication. Further, I strongly encourage you to discuss any exercise program involving Tai Chi or Qigong , modifications to your diet or lifestyle, or the use of any other wellness modality, like NLP with an appropriate licensed health practitioner prior to making any lifestyle changes.